Saturday, 12 December 2015

Baby's Life Saved By Pregnant Mom's Sacrifice

At 38 you don’t really want to find out you are dying. Especially when you have three kids with another on the way, and a husband you love more than anything in the world.
On December 8, just three days after giving birth to baby Shaylin, Cara Walter Combs of St. Louis, Missouri, died, CBS reports. Combs decided against the advice of her oncologist to delay her cancer treatment so she could safely get Shaylin to 28 weeks and deliver her.
 She even posted on Facebook, “At 38 you don’t expect to find out that you are dying. It definitely puts things into perspective. All I can say is enjoy every minute with your kids and don’t stress about little things. The baby will probably be born the first week of December and I will start treatment 48 hours later. I know we are in for some big upcoming battles. Thank you for all of the support we have received so far. It is very much appreciated!”.
St. Louis mother Cara Combs was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma while she was pregnant with her fourth child. Given the choice between her baby or perhaps her life, Cara chose to postpone treatment and carry her unborn child five more weeks after her diagnosis – until week 28 – giving her future baby girl the best chance for survival.
Cara died Tuesday morning, three days after giving birth to Shaylin Combs on Dec. 5.
A GoFundMe set up by a friend of the family has raised more than $58,000 to help “provide as much normalcy to the kids as possible during this difficult time.” An update from Combs’s husband explained he “always knew she was destined for greater things” and that “she was the strongest person I ever met and the best wife and mother. She sacrificed everything so her legacy could live on.”.
What are you fighting your spouse for? Why aren’t you happy with your kids? What do you hold against anybody and everybody? Let it go and focus on the moments you have as that’s all what counts when it gets down to the last second.

There’s been lots of praises for Cara since the post about her death was made.

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